Patent,Design and Trademark Act 2022 | पेटेन्ट,डिजायन र ट्रेडमार्क ऐन २०२२

Table of Contents

A patent is a document, issued by a government authority to the applicant, which describes an invention and creates a legal situation in which the patented invention can normally only be used with the authorization of its owner. In Nepal protection and enforcement of trademark is governed by the Patent, Design and Trademark Act, 1965 (2022) (“PDTA”). It’s published to update the legal arrangements with respect to patents, designs, and trademarks for the convenience and economic benefit of the general public. Its date of publication and authentication is 2022-05-14


  • Rules and Procedures regarding registration and renewal of Patent, Design, and Trademarks.
  • Rules and Procedures registration of foreign Patents, Designs, and Trade-Marks
  • Violation of Act and Penalties thereon
  • Format of a different forms of applications and certificates

Source: PDF Copy of Patent, Design and Trademark Act 2022, provided above was downloaded from Department of Industry.

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