Industrial Enterprises Act 2076 | औधोगिक व्यवसाय ऐन २०७६

Table of Contents

Industrial Enterprises Act, (2076 BS) (the “Act “) has been introduced repealing the Industrial Enterprises Act, (2073 BS) (the “Previous Act“). The Act has been authenticated by the President on 2076/10/28.
The Act is principal legislation for registration, establishment, and pre/post-operational compliances of industry. No person (natural or legal) is permitted to operate a manufacturing industry in Nepal without establishing an industry under this Act.


  • Industry Registration and Licensing
  • Classification of Industry and provision related to CSR
  • Facilities, concessions, and rebates to industries
  • Regulating Authorities and Implementing Agencies

Source: PDF Copy of Industrial Enterprises Act 2076, provided above was downloaded from Department of Industry.

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