
Contributions Based Social Security Act 2074 | योगदानमा आधारित सामाजिक सुरक्षा ऐन २०७४

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Contribution-based Social Security Act 2017 (2074) was enacted by the Parliament on 24 July 2017 (Shrawan 9, 2074) and has become effective from the date 13 August 2017 (Shrawan 29, 2074). The Act has been enacted to ensure the rights of the workers based on the concept of contributory social security and to provide social security to the contributors.


  • Medical Treatment, Health and Maternity Protection Scheme.
  • Provision for allowance to senior citizens, disabled and others.
  • Provision for Dependent Family Protection and Old Age Protection

Source: PDF Copy of Contribution Based Social Security Act 2074, provided above was downloaded from Mininstry of Labour, Employment and Social Security.

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